“We are excited about this beer, it supports our local agriculture and blends so well with the cherries,” says Alec Mull, Founders’ Director of Operations. “Cherries and beer are a marriage made in heaven, or in our case, here at Founders.”
As much as 53 gallons of Michigan cherries are used in every batch, masterfully crafted by Founders’ Brewmaster Jeremy Kosmicki. The Michigan cherries are harvested throughout West Michigan in communities such as Benton Harbor, Coloma, Grand Rapids and, of course, Traverse City.
“Cherries are added during five separate stages of the Cerise fermentation process,” says Kosmicki. “This creates a refreshingly tantalizing beer with intensive flavors, balanced somewhere between tart and sweet.”
More than 9,300 cases of Cerise will be sold this year in Michigan and nearly a dozen other states throughout the Midwest and along the East Coast.”
Cerise – which is defined as a “deep, vivid purplish red” color – is one of the most popular taproom beers at Founders. New to the line-up, it replaces the former fruit beer –Rubeus.
Founders Brewing Company, 235 Grandville Avenue SW in downtown Grand Rapids, is a proud member of the Michigan Brewers Guild. www.michiganbrewersguild.org.
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