Friday, June 12th, marks the anniversary of a tragedy committed exactly 265 years ago.
In 1744, the Portuguese Crown declared that the production, distribution, and sale of Cachaça, Brazil’s noble spirit, would be illegal in the Portuguese Colony of Brazil. Fortunately for us all, the Brazilians rebelled and the virtues of Cachaça won.
Here we are 265 years later, and Brazil’s noble spirit, Cachaça, is still being tortured. Cachaça was invented nearly five hundred years ago in Brazil, in the early 1500’s, 100 years before its Caribbean cousin, Rum. In many countries, such as here in the United States, Cachaça is recognized officially as Brazilian Rum. Not Cachaça. This we do not understand, as Cachaça is not Rum. Cachaça is made from Fresh Cane Juice and Cachaça can only come from Brazil. As the Third Most Consumed Spirit, in the world, and the key ingredient to Brazil’s National Cocktail, the Caipirinha, we believe Cachaça deserves to be recognized as just that: Cachaça, and not Brazilian Rum.
Now we ask you to join us in the fight on International Cachaça Day, this Friday June 12th, to recognize Cachaça’s true place in our hearts, on our minds and at our bars. Join us in cities around the world to show your support for this critical cause: Recognize Cachaça. Brazil’s Noble Spirit.
For more information, contact us at